Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Top 10 things I learned at work in the last couple weeks...

10. No amount of being early on a project is good enough for “someone” else.

9. That even though I have extreme dry eye and my eyes don’t naturally tear, when I start crying I better be prepared to cry for another 20 minutes because my eyes wont quit.

8. After lunch chocolate can cure ANYTHING that is going wrong that morning.

7. “Some” people are just natural drama creators, they will create drama in any department they are apart of.

6. No matter how nice you are to “someone” you can’t make them like you unless they want to.

5. You can find a song to sing in ANY situation or after any comment.

4. Being happy and finding something/someone to share it with is worth more than anything you do at work. Work to live, not live to work!

3. You can hear someone crunching ice from 15+ feet away.

2. Just because you work with “someone” doesn’t mean you are friends with them.

1. Being able to brush off “someone” else’s opinion as a misguided perception is key to being a happier employee/person.

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